We look from the inside out and find novelties in what we see in our daily lives and we know that things change as much as people do. Recreating means knowing how to deal with the new and realizing that there is a little bit of people in everything we do.
Suitable for everyday beauty salon. Gentle cleaning. Highly nourishing, it protects all types of hair, provides hydration and intense shine.
Main Assets: Nanotherapy, Pro-Vitamin B5 and Vegetable Keratin
It significantly improves the penetration of the actives in the thread, promoting shine and intense conditioning.
Nourishing treatment with sublimating oil, also in a format for professional salons. Ideal to give thickness and strength to the hair. It forms a film that envelops the strands, recovering and strengthening the damaged fibers. It deeply nourishes and illuminates all hair types, giving it a splendorous shine and fully regenerated strands.
Main Active: Exclusive Sublimator Complex Oil
Nanotechnology Oil Complex: Omega oil that regenerates the hair fiber + Olive oil that provides intense shine + Sesame oil that gives strength and resistance + Corn Germ oil for deep nutrition
Professional version, more efficient, more effective and with more refined nanotechnology. PRO-REPAIR 19 is a molecule with the 19 amino acids of the hair fiber. It is surrounded by permeable Cyclodextrin. It has high potential for: preventive action, anti-breakage action and anti split ends action. Provides hair regeneration amino acids that increase fiber density. It reduces the porosity of the thread, promotes shine, softness and realignment of the fiber.
Main Assets: Pro-Repair + Cyclodextrin
Its biggest differential lies in the high capacity of penetration and adhesion of amino acids inside the hair fiber.
The Touch Finishers range adds time in your routine and enhances your natural beauty.
Vegetable Oils JOJOBA and GRAPE SEED are obtained from the extraction or maceration of seeds, bulbs or the leaf of the vegetable itself. They have biocompatibility with the skin and hair, acting in lipid and nutritional replacement. They have hundreds of cosmetic and therapeutic uses.
Home SPA Therapy é uma linha que atua em sinergia a favor da recuperação capilar e na biomodulação do folículo piloso. Paralisa a queda e controla diversos distúrbios capilares (micoses, fungos, coceira, Psoríase, Eflúvio Telógeno, Dermatite Seborreica).
Óleo Essencial de Alecrim: Age no sistema circulatório e vascular como um estimulante vasodilatador.